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Meet Deborah

Grief Care Consultant

As a longtime Grief Specialist, Deborah Juniper-Frye has worked with countless families, individuals, and organizations through the grief process, to gain understanding, new hope, and self-awareness. She has also witnessed, endured, and overcame the stress and trauma that comes with grief.

Deborah is currently employed with the Harmony Cares Hospice Organization as a Volunteer Coordinator and Trainer. She was formerly employed with a mega church for 22 years and with a premier funeral home as their Grief Care Follow-Up Coordinator and a Special Events Organizer. She organized and established the Dinner & Discussion Workshops to discuss different grief topics, such as Loss of a Child, Loss of a Spouse, and Coping with Grief During the Holidays. She has been proficient in the past, as the liaison between Church Leadership, Families, Funeral Home Establishments, Caterers, and Cemetery with tact and diplomacy.

What I Specialize In

Coping Skills

One on One Consultations

Corporate Consultations

Finding Peace In Grief

Growing In Grief

At Grief Care Consulting, we specialize in the affairs of your grieving process. We come along side you to help minimize the trauma of grief while assisting you with the overall bereavement details. Our aim and mission is to soothe the brokenhearted with continued resources of follow-up information, one on one contact, and guidance as necessary. Take our hand and let us serve you throughout this grief journey.

Grieving Under Grace is a self-help book that provides you with tools and guidance to navigate through life’s everyday losses. Deborah Juniper-Frye is a certified Grief Recovery Method Specialist whose trials and triumphs give her a first rate experience on how to overcome and journey through this thing called GRIEF. It is our aim and mission to soothe the brokenhearted with continued resources to help minimize the trauma of grief and assist you through your journey.

A grieving heart is full of emotions, struggles, and great despair.
Hold on to Love, Hope, and Faith.
– Deborah Juniper-Frye

“In spite of what you may see and feel, NEVER stop sowing Seeds of Grace.”

~ Grace Nugget

“From my heart: I love this book, and I made my own notes. Jesus reached the masses by sharing his story, and Deborah’s book will do the same. This down-to-earth book is written on a level that ANYONE – PhD, Master’s Degree, Highschool drop-out, or 50 year old with only a 5th grade education can relate to. Thank you, Deborah, for being obedient to God and writing this for us.”

– Debe’ Chamberlain-Loving

“I took the time for myself today and I read Grieving under Grace…
It is an easy read with great nuggets. I love the author’s openness for the audience God will set Free! I can’t find a favorite chapter because I felt they were all equally favorable to my heart! Thanks for being obedient, as many will need to know it’s okay to grieve in the seasons set aside for it. I already gave out one book I’m sure I will purchase many more for others to hold onto…As they walk through their seasons of grief! You gave us good examples of what we all experience. Good Job Lady.”

– Gina B

“Grieving Under Grace is a testament of how grief moves into our lives in the most unimaginable way, but through love and grace we are able to live and inspire others. Mrs. Frye gives inspiring grace nuggets at the end of each chapter that will encourage your heart to beat on. I would recommend this book for anyone who has lost a loved one or any tangible item that was truly dear to you. By using personal examples of grief, she helps one to understand that it is okay to grieve but grace will not let you live in despair.”

– Shilisa Daniels

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